TweetShareSharePin0 SharesQuite a while ago I wrote about how to setup the alert log as an external table. Since then 11g has been introduced and is now widely used. It of course changes the location and makes the alert log an xml file. While it is possible to select from it using xml functions like Laurent Schneider does here, it is still a bit cumbersome. Tanel Poder (@TanelPoder) found a nicer way by usingĀ X$DBGALERTEXT which does a really nice job […]
Alert Log
Creating a feed with ORA-00600 errors
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesInstead of having to look at your different alert logs for ORA-00600 errors frequently, why not have them come to you? This post will, as promised, show the Perl code needed to publish a feed with ORA-00600 errors. This is building on the previous two posts that shows how to create an external table for the alert log and how to pull out all information for an ORA-00600 so each fetch retrieves one the data you’re interested in. The […]
Querying the alert log for ORA-00600
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesTime to expand on the last post. As promised this will be about how to get the ORA-00600 information out of an external table for the alert log. We will use the same user and setup as we had in that post. Lets first review how an ORA-00600 is represented in the alert log. The actual arguments does not matter, I took them from a forum post to just have an example. What we care about for what we’re […]
SQL Access to the alert log
TweetShareSharePin0 SharesI’m going to discuss how to get SQL access to your alert log in this entry. I will then build on that to make it even more useful in future posts. Browsing the alert log can be convenient if you’re already on the server. However, it is often not possible or at least not overly convenient. You may find that as the developer DBA you do not have access to the production server, or you have to log in […]