
You ought to have oracledb in your tool chest

No I’m not talking about the Oracle Database. It is extremely unlikely that you found your way here if it isn’t already to some extent your specialisation. If you made it here and have no idea what this is about, drop a comment and let me know your path here if that were to be the case.

No, this is about Python. Even more it is about the OracleDB module for python. That capitalisation is mine, the official way to write it is Python-oracledb. Either way it is Oracle’s implementation of the Python Database API 2.0 specification.

I know what some of you may be thinking. Why would I need that, I’ve got my old trusted cx_Oracle driver. Yes you do and you have nothing to fear, Python-oracledb is the new name for it. You’ll feel right at home.

Let’s start with recognising what a beautiful API. To me this is an API that is equally natural to use from Python and database perspectives. I think it is not just due to Oracle’s efforts but also for the general API specification that it follows. I often find the interface between language and SQL more natural in Python than even in PL/SQL. Yes, that is probably close to an offensive statement for some. But try it before you diss it.

Speaking of Python, if you too work with developers that mainly write code in Java, you will want to be able to write simple stubbs of code to access the database and achieve the things you want them to implement to help you do your job. Most of the time it is enough with some cookie cutter code and just add what you need.

I use Python the same way but for slightly different reasons. I use it to show myself a concept of the work one has to do when accessing the database from outside the database. It also includes things that makes many things easy to test out that for me is beyond cumbersome to set up in Java. In addition Python is a language you want to have in your toool chest anyway as it is the preferred language for data these days.

Let’s rig a small test. Begin with installing the module.

python -m pip install oracledb --upgrade --user

Test getting a connection with som boiler plats code.

import oracledb

with oracledb.connect(user='<USER>', password='<PASSWORD>', dsn='CONN STRING>') as connection:
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:
        sql = """select sysdate from dual"""
        for r in cursor.execute(sql):

As one would expect it just prints the sysdate. However this blog is not about examples for coding with oracledb, rather I think it is worthwhile to just finish up with highlighting som of the features it has to show the kind of things you can try out with just a few more liens of code.

The plain way of using it uses the thin driver which mimics how most application servers connect. If you want to you can set up for using thick mode also. It is required for som advanced usage scenarios.

Some of the features I think are of particular interest:

  • Advanced Queueing including receiving database notifications.
  • Support for EBR
  • Supporting setting context when creating a connection to allow for better instrumentation in the database.
  • Support for E2E monitoring and tracing
  • Database Resident Connection Pooling
  • ref cursors
  • Array-operations
  • JSON

And the list goes on.

One final thing I find very interesting. It has an API to set up a connection pool so you can use it to model use cases for how a connection pool would behave. It also allows you to do things like build a REST-server with it’s own connection pool to service parallell requests to your REST-server.

Take it out for a spin, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

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