Speaking at Orcan Conference May 11-13

Just a quick note that I have accepted to speak at the conference the Swedish Oracle User Group Orcan will hold May 11-13. The subject will be on rowid, ITL, and row migration where I hope to show it both from the block level view and a little showing it from the OWI view. THe general idea is to show more on what happens in the blocks and why and how the rowid a row first gets when it is inserted remains very important even after the row has migrated to a different block.

Not having been to a Orcan Conference will make me very nervous later on. I was all set to speak at Collaborate this year, but moving to Sweden changed those plans. Somehow speaking at this conference makes me more nervous than speaking at Collaborate would have. I’m sure working through the material and getting comfortable with it will make it feel less daunting.

The presentation will be in Swedish, but it will also exist as an article that will be translated to English. I intend to put that Article online on my site and I’ll leave a post about it here so there is a place for feedback. There is also an Article I wrote for Rocky Mountain Oracle User Group (RMOUG) that I have translated and I hops to have both version up on my site in a weeks time or so.

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