OOW 2010 Keynote

The keynote started with some general hints on things to do at the conference and things that can help make the experience even better. After that safra Catz gave out the excellence awards.
Next up was Ann Livermore om HP to talk about how important Oracle is for them. she threw out lots of numbers of it, one that stuck with me is that 40% of all Oracle licenses is for HP hardware. They have 300 000 employees. my guess is that they may stand to lose the most on the SUN purchase.
they want to help Oracle’s customer flip the ratio of spending between operations and innovations.
Load runner is how available as a cloud service.
Next up waas Dave Donatelli who gave a boring presentation on HP’s hardware offerings.
Larry was up next after a very long intro.
He spent a lot of time defining what their view of cloud computing is. In summary it is EC2 from Amazon (who he claims popularized the term cloud) and it is not software that just runs on the net that you integrate with (it could be cloud, but it is not just because it is web-enabled).
The following are required for cloud in Oracle’s view:
Standard platforms
HW and SW
Runs variety of apps
Public and private
Exalogic was announced. There will be many more detailed accounts of it by now on the net, so here is just a short overview.
It is meant for any and all apps.
It has 30 compute servers and 360 cores. It runs Linux and Solaris virtualized.
It is by far the fastest machine for Java. No data for this claims was presented.
WebLogic Server and Jrocket has been optimized for it.
2 exalogic servers can service all http-requests for facebooks global presence. It can service 1 million HTTP requests per second.
it is claimed to improve http performance 12x and messaging 5x. Again there was no data presented, but it will surely be published soon.
The following specs were presented:
3 TB Dram
30 servers
360 cores
40 GB infiniband with extremely low latency
It is ideal for OLTP.
it was built with an intention to be able to drive exadata. the infiniband is used to connect to an exadata server.
it can be deployed from 1/4 machine up to 8 exalogic servers.
They make a big point of the fact that hardware and all software is tested together so everyone runs the same exact config. This should let the deliver one file that patches all parts of the server.
They stated that a full machine will be $1M while a similar config from IBM will be $4.4M and that machine is not getting close to the performance of the exalogic. If true the success will be immediate…
It is based on Oracle VM.
Them followed a discussion on Java where it sounded as if they will give up on red Hat support due to RH being so far behind. im sure this will be discussed at length in the Oracle blogosphere.

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