
Licensing, Database

Graph is included in the DB – just the DB?

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesQuite a few releases ago in 12c the new that the Graph and Spatial option was now included with the database license. Pretty neat, more stuff included is always nice. So in the database we can use the feature and even run queries against it. But then waht, we get a result back showing all the connections in a graph with data that does not conform to relational modelling. To understand it one has to view it graphically, or […]

DBA, Licensing, Performance, Database, MultiTenant

Enable Enterprise Manager Express

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesThere are many blogs about the product and so on. I want to recommend that you enable and give your developers access to it. Setting them up and getting them to scale the mountain of complexity that is the normal Enterprise Manager is probably not what you want to do. However, EM Express is a slimed down version focusing pretty much on just what a developer ought to care about, seeing the processes in the database and data about […]

DBA, Licensing, Oracle, Partitioning

Rant about partitioning licensing

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesI’ll give myself a quota for no more than one rant a month. However, one of my pet peeves is how Oracle licenses the database. I’l probably return to why I dislike the general model in a future rant, but this on e will be specific to partitioning. To use partitioning, you have to pay for the Enterprise Edition of the database at $40,000 per CPU and then pay an additional $10,000 for the partitioning option. That is a […]