
Database, Oracle DB 23ai

23ai 4000+ columns

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesYou may be of the belief that “nobody needs more than the 1000 columns we could create in a table in 19c”. You are free the believe that, but let me tell you a little story. There once was a project. At the height of the Telecom billing boom. Thy had implementations in multiple continents for customers whose names you are familiar with. One thing Telecom billing cannot afford is to not keep up with the flood of incoming […]

SQL, Database, Oracle DB 23ai

23ai Lock-free reservations

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesAn old truth in Oracle and just about all relational databases has been that an update on one row by one session will block an update by another session on the same row. Until the first session commits or rolls back. That is until 23ai. Or at least in some very specific scenarios. Let’s consider a situation where we need to track changes to a numeric value up or down by some quantity. This could be the amount in […]

SQL, Database, Oracle DB 23ai

23ai Syntactic sugar – IF [NOT] EXIST

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesIn the last post I talked about a form of syntactic sugar I’m not convinced we really needed. This post on the other hand is about one that I think I’ve needed since the first time I logged on to a SQL-based database. When you put together a test case it is often setup to create misc objects and populate them. The first time you run it it works fine but when you rerun it your create commands fail […]

APEX, Database, SQL Developer, SQLcl

23ai Select without FROM

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesNow that Oracle DB 23ai has been GA for a while I figure it is time to dig into it and talk about the features för DBA and developers that I find most interesting to talk about. Yes, you’ve read about some of them as info has seeped out during the beta-test and and pre-GA. I however think most people are only looking at it when it is GA as that is when they start looking at when and […]

Docker, Database, Property Graph, SQL

Your very first graph in Oracle Graph Server

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesHaving installed the Graph Server in the last post, lets set up and create your very first graph. This follows Oracles documentation. It however had different ways to do it and I struggled to figure out which would be the easiest. Having abandoned a couple for different reasons this is how I did it and I think it is pretty straight forward and uses the tool interactively as much as possible. We first need a user we’ll use to […]

Licensing, Database

Graph is included in the DB – just the DB?

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesQuite a few releases ago in 12c the new that the Graph and Spatial option was now included with the database license. Pretty neat, more stuff included is always nice. So in the database we can use the feature and even run queries against it. But then waht, we get a result back showing all the connections in a graph with data that does not conform to relational modelling. To understand it one has to view it graphically, or […]

SQL, Database, Oracle Cloud

Ignoring errors on “alter session set”

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesThis tip is especially useful when migrating to autonomous. The reason is that to enable the magic of the the autonomous database there are things that cannot be done. One such thing is that there are a lot of session settings you cannot use. To see what APIs you can no longer use you can look at the documentation. If you look at alter session there are a number of “alter session set …” that are available. But many […]

DBA, Database

EZ Connect Plus

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesSometimes new things that are really useful show up in new versions and you can miss it if you’r not paying close attention. EZ Connect Plus is one such feature for me. You may think it is not new and that it has been there for a long time. You’d be correct EZ Connect is not new, but the Plus moniker is. In version 19 that was added. I never noticed and then I was looking for how to […]

Database, Oracle Cloud, SQLcl

Access Base DB from your PC

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesA recent post talked about setting up a Base DB Service in OCI and finished with logging into the OS of the srvice and there connecting to the DB. What we often want to do is to be able to connect to it directly from our own computer to use the tools and workflow we have in place. This post is about how to set that up. First you head back into OCI and look at the properties of […]

Database, ORDS

When TNS does not work in ORDS

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesThis is probably a short lived blog post. If you are using ORDS 22.4 (the current version as of this writing) you may encounter problems with the TNS-support for setting up connections. I believe they manifest when your TNS-entry has multiple hosts in them as you would if you have a setup with one or more standby databases. In such cases it looks something like this. I believe this is due to the parsing of the file not taking […]