SQL Developer

APEX, Database, SQL Developer, SQLcl

23ai Select without FROM

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesNow that Oracle DB 23ai has been GA for a while I figure it is time to dig into it and talk about the features för DBA and developers that I find most interesting to talk about. Yes, you’ve read about some of them as info has seeped out during the beta-test and and pre-GA. I however think most people are only looking at it when it is GA as that is when they start looking at when and […]

Performance, SQL, Oracle Cloud, SQL Developer, SQLcl

Grabbing sql_id for the SQL

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesI read Daniel’s recent blog about five ways to grab the sql_id and remembered reading Connor’s about getting it before you run a SQL. At the time it hit me that one ought to be able to use this to simplify the workflow. Often we run a SQL and then use some marker – typically in the form of a comment in the SQL – to look up the sql_id to then use for other lookups. It would of […]