Machine Learning, SQL, PL/SQL

Looking for AI? You already have it!

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesThese days I meet many people who talk about how they have a project to find an AI-plattform to use on-premises. Using it in the cloud on Autonomous it is pretty obvious that you use one in a handful of AI-services Oracle has at your disposal there. The question is what you should use to build AI-services on the data in your on-prem Oracle database. You don’t need to get anything. This blog post assumes you have an Oracle […]

SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle

Using package variables in SQL

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesI often want to use the constants defined in packages also in my SQL. It has in the past never worked and it for the most part still does not. If I have a a package like this to simplify my code for what department it is I’m looking at. This now allows using dept_info.c_accounting in PL/SQL instead of just hardcoding 10 and having to remember what department 10 is. This is how we usually use PL/SQL and especially […]


Accessing a website from the database

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesOne of the things people want more and more often is to somehow read from a web-resource using a database. It could be to just get the HTML off of a website or access REST via PL/SQL, or grab a JSON-file residing on a public website. No matter which it is we need to declare that it is a website we want the database user to reach. To have a simple example I’ll just show how to read the HTML off […]


LUHNs algoritm – Three ways with SQL and PL/SQL

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesHave you encountered LUHNs algorithm? I can almost guarantee it even if you’ve never heard the name before. It is part of all of our lives every single day. It is used to check that various numbers are correctly entered. From ID numbers for persons in Sweden, Greace, and Israel to credit card numbers and IMEI numbers and misc other things. It is a very simple checksum function not intended to be cryptographically secure hash function. Due to the […]


The power of using records in APEX III

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesIn this post I’ll finish up the CRUD implementation using records, procedures and views. This series of blog posts started with this post which was followed by this. At this point we have a working report that links to a form. The report is based on a view and the form is based on a procedure. At this point the form is only loading the record in using a procedure that uses a record in its signature. In this post […]


The power of using records in APEX

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesDo you use forms based on procedures in APEX? If not, why not?Do you use records in the procedures you use for forms in APEX? If not, why not? I like procedures and records and with APEX I like them even more. Why you say? Should you not just point forms against tables and let the APEX magic take care of it all? No, I do not think you should. The reason is that I love that feature for […]