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Oracle Cloud, Performance, DBA

Grabbing an AWR without access to the database server

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesGetting an AWR can sometimes be difficult. If you are on an autonomous database you cannot log in to the database server and run your trusty old script for it. Other times you may not have the access and cannot get the DBA to find time to help you with it every time you want to look at one. Fortunately you can leverage your PL/SQL skills and just get it through any tool you want to use. The first […]

Oracle Developer Tools, Wallet, Visual Code

Create and terminate DB from Visual Code

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesWe saw earlier how easy it is to start and stop autonomous databases from Visual Code. Now we’ll use ODT (Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio Code) to create a new, access it and then toss it. First if you do not have a cloud environment or set up ODT for it, take a look at Oracle Tools Is Great, Start ATP With A Click to get the basic configuration up. Here we’re starting from the point where you […]

Oracle Developer Tools, Visual Code

Finally, ODT shows some love for case

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesODT – Oracle Developer Tools for VS Code – is not getting enough love online. It has become a wonderful tool. For me it is starting to replace SQL Developer in part of my workflow, especially adhoc queries and file-based work. What had me not using it for a long time was that it defaulted everything to upper case with intellisense. A recent upgrade changed that. Yes, converting text to lower or upper is a breeze in Visual Code, […]

Database, Performance, DBA

Dumb Oracle refuses to use my great index

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesLet me tell you a story about a developer, let’s call her Sue, that had proved that Oracle was having mood swings and just didn’t use a perfectly good index even though it was the perfect index to use. This of course made Sue very upset and she spared nobody from her bitter words about how unreliable and temperamental the database was. It just wasn’t willing to use the index because it was stubborn. Poor Susan was the DBA […]

SQL Developer, SQLcl, Oracle Cloud, SQL, Performance

Grabbing sql_id for the SQL

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesI read Daniel’s recent blog about five ways to grab the sql_id and remembered reading Connor’s about getting it before you run a SQL. At the time it hit me that one ought to be able to use this to simplify the workflow. Often we run a SQL and then use some marker – typically in the form of a comment in the SQL – to look up the sql_id to then use for other lookups. It would of […]

Oracle Developer Tools, Oracle Cloud, Database, New Stuff, Visual Code

Oracle Tools Is Great, Start ATP With A Click

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesSometimes you’ve looked briefly at a product and when you return a couple of years later it is like opening a kinder egg. All sorts of new impressive things show up and you are left to wonder “are these old and I missed them or have they been added”. Oracle Developer Tools extension for Visual Code is one such product. I’ve looked at it before and have always had it installed, but have not looked at what it can […]


Secure passwords in scripts

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesWe have all – I hope – started using a password manager for the gazillion passwords we all have for miscellaneous websites and systems we access. My preference is 1Password and that is what I will show in this blog. When using it with a website it works very nice, you just select the saved login and it fills it in and you get logged in with the super complex password you have for that site. For logging into […]


SQLcl is turning into a Swiss knife

TweetShareSharePin0 Sharesather it has been happening for a long time. I just did not pay attention of just how useful it had become. The tool has long been the preferred TUI/CUI (Text-based user interface / Command line User Interface) for SQL and PL/SQL. Not only has the tool added a lot of nice features, just see my last blog post for an example, it also allows for scripting to make it even more compelling. Today it is also how you […]


TNSPING without a client

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesIf you are like me, then tnsping is an old friend you turn to every time there is an issue with accessing databases. It does not validate if the database can be found but if the listener responds for the service-name you want to reach. If you are not on the same machine, making sure the listener responds tends to be the first thing to validate. It typically requires the Oracle Client driver software to be installed. It is […]


Custom properties in SQLcl – The Easy Way

TweetShareSharePin0 SharesIn my last post I wrote about how one can set properties in an array in Linux script before launching SQLcl to make it set them at Java properties. That makes them available as properties so it can be used by Liquibase for the properties you tend to set in the CLI-call or in It works great and solves the problem. After the post was published I tweeted it and asked the master himself – Kris Rice – […]